CGO Update

Dear CGO Members & some potential new members,
Sunday 13th September was to be the day on which we recommenced rehearsals at Foxton Village Hall, but as I pointed out in my last group email (on 26/8/20) that plan had to be abandoned. This was of course due to Covid and the need of some of our members to shield. The recent increase in the number of cases is also not looking too promising.
So in that last email I mentioned some options of what we could do until rehearsals do restart. The feedback received was positive on the idea of recording a virtual orchestra piece. So we’re going to get into this, gently at first, with the Thierry Tisserand piece called “La valse des brumes”. It’s actually a trio but should be an easy introduction to doing virtual recordings. The plan is that Valerie will shortly be recording herself playing each of the parts and I will distribute these so that you can listen (with headphones) and play along yourselves while you make your own video recordings. Then I will attempt to stitch all the videos together.
If all goes well we can publish the edited video on the CGO YouTube Channel and then try something a bit more complicated.
Our Zoom sessions seem to have faded, but I will be present for an impromptu Zoom meeting at 3pm (N.B. We used to do 2pm but that seemed a bit too close to Sunday lunch time so hopefully 3pm is better) Sunday 13th for anyone who fancies a chat, and perhaps a guitar solo or two. I’ll keep it short, just 45 minutes is I think the free meeting time limit.
CGO Zoom videoconference details: ;  meeting 317 756 7251 ;   password CGO@Zoom1