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You can contact us by emailing enquiries "at" cgo.org.uk (to help avoid our address being used for spam, you will need to replace the "at" by @ and remove any extra spaces ... apologies for the inconvenience)

If you wish to be kept informed of future events, news and releases please email us.

If you are interested in coming along and seeing what we do why not come to our next concert. Check out our Forthcoming Events page.

Alternatively you could come along to a rehearsal. You would not have to play but you would be most welcome to watch, listen and ask any questions in a relaxed environment. Someone will contact you to let you know the date of our next rehearsal.

We welcome players of all abilities from Grade 5 and upwards though we do reserve some places for players with less experience.

Please feel free to contact us, particularly if you have ensemble experience. As we do not hold auditions it would be helpful if you detail your playing level and ensemble experience.

We welcome contact with other guitarists, orchestras, ensembles or enthusiasts.  

Do let us know if you are interested in further details concerning our music, CDs, arrangements, repertoire and our close association with the Dillington Summer School.

Thank you.

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