CGO: Zoom meeting and new music

Dear CGO Members,
We had a very nice Zoom meeting on the 19th April. Apologies to those who didn’t get the email with the link in time. I’m posting a bit earlier this time around. Also I’m giving two links, one for 2pm and another for 3pm in case we carry on for a bit. Short coffee/tea break interval between the two.
Zoom Meeting(s) for Sunday May 3rd:
Now at the last meeting Valerie talked a about two new pieces to add to our repertoire. These were tried out at Classical Minds weekend and judged to be hits. Mike Lloyd has put the music up on the CGO website in the usual place. Here are the part allocations.
Cantilena (K. Jenkins):
1: Colin and Michael 2: Tom, Mike 3: Antonio, Huw 4: Lily, Hans, Hannah 5: Mat, Anne, David
Concertino III (P. van der Staak [Note to Mike Lloyd – not “Valk” Mike, that was a TV detective back in the 1970s!]): Soloist: Mat 1: Michael, Antonio 2: Colin, Hannah, Hans 3: Tom, Lily, Anne 4:  Huw, David, Mike
And now I must get back to the Bach Bouree that I plan to play on Sunday. Still only at half the proper tempo! Michael